
An Heirloom is passed down, naturally from one generation to the next usually in the form of material objects, silverware, property, recipes, scarves and knitwear, belts, fur coats and more. We don't usually get to pick these items, but we cherish them because of their sentimental value, the story, the person, and the history.

There is nothing more rare than time, and a fingerprint. Combine both into an jewelry piece and you've made yourself the most timeless gift of all: a Fingerprint Jewelry Heirloom!

Cherish those you love, and wear a piece of them with you everyday!


This Fingerprint Kit was originally launched in November 2021, and has gradually developed and improved since then with countless heirlooms made. 

Thank you for trusting me in this process,

x F

  • Single Pendant

    You can order multiple copies of the same print, without a chain for the whole family!

  • Single Print on Chain

    Choose between a 50cm or a 70cm Silver chain and clasp for your pendant.

  • Two Prints: Side by side

    Tip: Mix all your material together to make a large ball, and press one person at a time side by side.

  • Two Separate Prints on Chain

    Tip: Proceed normally with your instructions, one for each person separately. Label them in your order sheet for separate engravings.

  • Two Prints: Heart

    Tip: Mix all your material in one ball and press one person at a time, but in a diagonal fashion opposite each other to create this shape. Test the motion first !

  • Two Print Keychain

    Tip: Proceed normally with your instructions, one for each person separately. Label them in your order sheet for separate engravings.

  • Single Signet Ring

    Make sure to get your ring size in store or use the ring sizer online!

  • Engraving

    Choose your text in any language, date, name or saying and it can be laser engraved on the back.

  • Paw Print Keychain

    Options: order A LOT of material to fit the whole paw OR use your regular sized material to take a print of one "paw finger" of your pet, and order your jewelry piece!

  • Family of Three: Circle

    Tip: Mix all your material together to make a large ball, and press one person at a time with overlap.

  • Three Prints on Chain

    Tip: Proceed normally with your instructions, one for each person separately. Label them in your order sheet for separate engravings.

  • Family of Four: Organic

    Tip: Mix all your material together to make a large ball, and press one person at a time with overlap.

Watch the Making
